Come as you are

Lakes Christian Centre is a church that worships God as Father, Son and Spirit and proclaims the Good News of salvation in Jesus.

Our 11am Sunday Service consists of lively praise and worship, inspiring and challenging Bible teaching and Communion.

During the service, Primary School children are invited to join our Children’s Church – known as Mission Kids.

If this is your first time here we want to make your experience as comfortable as possible, so just a few things you might want to know…

You can come in jeans and a t-shirt or a suit and a hat, you can sit or stand when you like, expect guitars and drums and people praying out loud, and please don’t feel you have to give to the offering or take part in communion (which by the way is red grape juice and gluten free bread).

We’d also love you to join us for refreshments downstairs after the service!

As a vibrant growing family church, life doesn’t stop on Sundays and we enjoy meeting up through the week to fellowship, pray, study the Bible and reach out into the community sharing the love of Jesus.